Friday, February 17, 2012

Real Friendships-

Do real friendships still exist? Is it becoming a rare commodity in our selfish society?

I've posed some great questions about an invaluable bond that may be getting the back burner most of the times.

Well for me, I've heard if you have at least one true friend consider yourself blessed; and I agree with that statement. In 2011, I decided to live more intentionally and that mindset did not exclusive my friendship relationships at all. Every now and again, my inner voice reminds me just how awesome it is to have such relationships. The Lord knows I praise him for them daily and I do my best to ensure they know I appreciate them.

Having true friends are a blessing and an added bonus is living near a few them; hence making quality time for them is crucial in this self absorbed frenzy we now call "life". My heart is always filled with happiness after being with them.

On last Saturday, I stopped by a close friend's home after another friend's baby shower and left well after five hours. We caught up on each other's lives, made and enjoyed a bean dip and watched television on her oversize king bed. It was my most relaxing Saturday of the year and perfect. I've concluded that being able to do nothing with a friend yet have a great time speaks volumes about your bond.  With that being said, I find myself reminding others to honor, acknowledge and appreciate the true friendships they have very often.

True Friendships=healthy lives~~~

1 comment:

  1. Very True. I think great friends exist but they are few for each person. And when you find true lasting friendships, it is necessary to nurture the relationship. One way relationships never work so both friends need to be sure they are good to the other.

    It really is a blessing to have friends you can trust, look up to, and depend on. I have a few (VERY few) great friendships that I am intentional with being a good friend in return and I keep them close.

    Nice post. Keep them coming.
