Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January is in the HAT part 1


So, billions of people worldwide swore to swap out daily desserts for healthier foods~~
They vowed that 2012 would be different and it just might be but I'm curious how January went down.

How did it go food wise? Were your food choices better during the week than on the weekends? If so, what are some of your personal hindrances?  Are there any goals you set out to accomplish but found trouble achieving. If so, what do you plan on doing differently in Feb? Was there any new goal that was surprisingly easier than expected with your food goals? 

Have you found or created any cool recipes?

Monday, January 23, 2012

What are your fitness goals in 2012??

As it relates to 2012, what are your fitness goals? Have you written them down? Is anyone holding you accountable besides yourself? How do you plan on measuring your progress throughout the year?What will be different this year than last year? What is driving you to be successful "this time around" if you have been struggling throughout the years?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Which Will Help Me Slim Down—6 Mini Meals or 3 Squares?

By: The editors at EatingWell Magazine

Which will help me slim down-6 mini meals or 3 squares? I get this question a lot, especially from people who are trying to slim down, because I'm a registered dietitian and nutrition editor of EatingWell Magazine. It's a common question, especially among dieters looking to get an extra edge on their weight loss.

Many experts say it's best to eat mini meals every few hours. The idea behind it is this: eating frequently may help curb your appetite and stabilize your blood sugar-preventing the dips that leave you feeling hungry-which makes slimming down more doable.

But recent research, published in the journal Obesity, suggests that grazing on multiple mini meals won't promote weight loss any more than sticking to three squares. When overweight or obese dieters spread a very-low-calorie diet over six meals, their appetite and hunger were no different than when they ate the same diet in three daily meals. And, truth be told, these findings support older, similar research.

So what's that mean for you? How much you eat is more important than how often you eat.  If eating more often causes you to overeat-say multiple meals turn into all-day grazing-try eating fewer meals. But if you're a three-meal-a-day person who gorges each time you sit down because you're so famished, adding in a snack or two, even three, might help.

Whatever you choose, including fiber-fruits, vegetables and whole grains-and lean protein in your meals and snacks is essential when you're dieting, as both nutrients provide staying power to keep you feeling full until you eat next.

Source: shine.yahoo.com

Monday, January 16, 2012

~Intentional Action in 2012~

"The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used the Greek term "agape" to describe a universal love that "discovers the neighbor in every man it meets." On January 16, 2012 the Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts + Culture celebrated the legacy of Dr. King by providing engaging and exciting workshops, films and presentations that support tolerance and respect in our communities. Tolerance can be viewed as a way of thinking and feeling that respects individuality. It is only through acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures and forms of expression that we can begin to recognize harmony in difference". 

*My employer has moved towards encouraging employees to volunteer within their respective community on MLK's day even though the company is open; hence I took advantage of this opportunity. As I reflect on all that was accomplished as a result of the Civil Rights Movement, our current passive attitudes and lack of collective actions magnify the amount of work still needed to progress as a people and human race.

In 2012, I'm challenging myself to find community activities to get involved with monthly; being intentional and living a purpose driven life is one of my many goals this year. The free events offered today at the Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Culture+Arts were impeccable. I contributed to this amazing center today by becoming a member and do look forward to attending functions and events throughout the year. 

Change can only start from within, so here's to the beginning of my micro contribution.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Goal session Part 1

Do you have an Accountability Partner (AP)? If not, please see my previous post about the benefits of a sound AP. I have one and would not trade her for anything in the world; well...if you can pay off my student loan I will trade her ASAP (I'm so toasted when she sees this post). LOL

Our first goal session was at 4 pm today and lasted four hours. It was successfully productive and encouraging. We both worked on our goals for 2012 as well as long term ones. Neither of us partake in resolutions since we constantly find areas to work on and quickly replace short term goals with new ones. Some of the hot  goals of the afternoon were budgeting, debt reduction, volunteerism /charity and others. The conversations were thought provoking, honest, heavy and also humorous at times. All chips were placed on the table as we worked to ensure 2012 will be out best year in these areas of our lives. To do so successfully, we're meeting on a quarterly basis while communicating virtually on a weekly basis. Our progress will be analyzed in dollars and sense; if they do not add up, we will be tweaking accordingly.

I'm overly excited about this journey!!!

Now, do you see the importance of having an AP? If you do acquire one, I'll appreciate you sharing your experience here.

Happy 2012 to everyone!!!

Connecting: showing our hearts strings;)!


A few posts ago I spoke of being intentional and the importance of it; 2012 has already given me the opportunity to do just that for others. I've had the pleasure of celebrating with two wonderful ladies during milestone "Earth days". The ladies were overwhelmed with joy to have others value them enough to throw an intimate 30 th and 40 th surprise party. Yes, I could have found many other things to do with my time, but understanding the art of being intentional helped me see and feel the urgency to connect with them. It was simply wonderful to connect with another while exposing my hearts strings. The experiences were joyous and full of goodness. The ladies totally appreciated everyone's company and the connection was rich. Memories created are priceless.

 In 2012, I've vowed to be more intentional and thus far its reaping me sweet hearty melody.

Are you willing to show your heart strings in 2012?

Friday, January 13, 2012

What about 2012?

Every New Year, each person has an opportunity to throw in their gloves and start all over again from scratch with million others. Now, two weeks into January 2012, I'm checking out the year as I go along my merry way. Sitting here in my comfy space, I'm curious about the possibilities to grow, share, love and be a blessing as the weeks turn into seasons.

So, again I say, what about 2012?

Monday, January 2, 2012

Great Life vs leftovers in 2012!!!

Happy New Year's
During the last few weeks of 2011, I made a promise to myself to make more things happen by being "more" intentional". Finally back from a well needed vacation, I came across a quote that sums it up quite well. 

If there is no wind, row." - Latin Proverb
"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." - Milton Berle, comic
"Things come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle
- Abraham Lincoln, U.S. President

Wow! Three for one! If you see a common theme between the three, it's no accident. It's up to you to make sure your goals come to pass. If there are things standing in your way, waiting for someone to take care of those obstacles will result in a long wait. When things aren't going your way, change generally starts with you. Why sit around hoping for big things to happen, when you can take control and force the issue? Don't settle for the leftovers in life. Take a seat at the head table and order up a five-course dinner of everything it has to offer. No invitation necessary.
Healthy Reflections~~www.sparkpeople.com

Are you worth more than leftovers in 2012?