Sunday, January 15, 2012

Goal session Part 1

Do you have an Accountability Partner (AP)? If not, please see my previous post about the benefits of a sound AP. I have one and would not trade her for anything in the world; well...if you can pay off my student loan I will trade her ASAP (I'm so toasted when she sees this post). LOL

Our first goal session was at 4 pm today and lasted four hours. It was successfully productive and encouraging. We both worked on our goals for 2012 as well as long term ones. Neither of us partake in resolutions since we constantly find areas to work on and quickly replace short term goals with new ones. Some of the hot  goals of the afternoon were budgeting, debt reduction, volunteerism /charity and others. The conversations were thought provoking, honest, heavy and also humorous at times. All chips were placed on the table as we worked to ensure 2012 will be out best year in these areas of our lives. To do so successfully, we're meeting on a quarterly basis while communicating virtually on a weekly basis. Our progress will be analyzed in dollars and sense; if they do not add up, we will be tweaking accordingly.

I'm overly excited about this journey!!!

Now, do you see the importance of having an AP? If you do acquire one, I'll appreciate you sharing your experience here.

Happy 2012 to everyone!!!


  1. LOLOLOLOL!!! I SO understand about the student loans so I'll give you a pass!! LOL!!!

    Very productive session and I left with such MOTIVATION!!!!!! Can't wait to see the progress!

    1. Amen!!!! I was sweating bullets after posting this..LOL!
