Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Idleness and the Devil

Yes, I strongly believe idleness can become the devil's playground in one way or another. What we begin to do infrequently can certainly become the norm versus the exception to the rule and eventually cause problems if they are NOT productive. Lately, I have been engaging in idleness while still very preoccupied. Think about it! It's highly possible when you have a laundry list of things to do yet you're steady watching i.e television, on social networks, mindlessly relaxing, chatting about nothing on the phone or simply staring at the wall. 

Well, being the result driven, over achieving person I am said to be, I was idle as it relates to several things and on last Wednesday, that idleness struck me in the gut as I received unwanted news about changes outside of my control which downright made me sick to my stomach, sad, upset at myself for wasting irreplaceable time and left with plenty to get done ASAP. I attended a class called Energy For Life and the message complimented my inner voice~~where are you putting your energy? 

The class lasted one and a half days and upon its completion, everything changed. A slew of emotions hit me dead in my face and I immediately unplugged from everything and everyone. It was so bad that I fell off of the earth and concerned emails, text messages, phone calls and inbox messages were left even on social networks but I did not want to deal with anything. For a few days, I was emotionless while trying to compile everything that needed to be done while developing an execution plan. The class was extremely invaluable; the knowledge learned will be with me forever.

After a few days, I finally touched base with a few folks and the word got out that I was alive and kicking. Today makes a week since the breakdown really got ugly and I'm still working that laundry list and moving right along with life. I have gotten a great deal accomplished in a short time. Not watching television, staying off of the social media network and being intentional with my time helped immensely. Having balance and funneling my energy to the correct things in life is imperative. 

I had a silent breakdown that allowed me to break through, experience painful life lessons and pull myself up with my veggie straps. 

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your honesty with this post. Though I don't know what happened and what bad news was delivered, I know that you are not alone. I think lots of people go through something similar a time or another. But looks like you've reset yourself and got things back on track. Good for you!

    People kill me when they say they didn't have time to do this or the other yet they spend time on social networks or watch hours of tv that same day. There's a big difference between not HAVING time and not MAKING time. I'm intentional not to confuse the two.

    Good for you for purging your spirit and forging ahead.
