Friday, August 26, 2011

My fitness detour????

So, I decided on Tuesday to jog around the University Lake like I did on Monday and headed there right after work with pure excitement. Why? Jogging allows me to think, clear my mind and enjoy my surroundings. Also, I was told around 5pm was a good time to jog since it was not too busy. I got into my zone to accomplish 3 miles, set my fitness watch and got my warm up started; within 2 minutes I was in my jogging zone around the lake until I was faced with a jog "block" that I did not see coming. 

Earlier, navigating the geese poop was more than enough to keep up with but having a portion of the boardwalk roped off was not in the plan.

I had three options at this point: stop my jog and go home, jump in the yucky lake water and swim around the caution roped off area or sprint through the work area and continue with my jog. At this point, I thought about it for a few seconds while jogging in place then dashed over the woven ropes and sprinted through their work area and continued along. My mind was set on accomplishing a 3 mile jog so finding a way around my 'jog' block was imperative. By the 3rd time around, I looked right at the men and kept going; I believe they realized I was not to be stopped prematurely.

In the end, I reflected on my beautiful scenery totally sweaty & victorious. 
Fitness roadblocks??
What have you allowed to set you back and why?


  1. WOW! Awesome determination.

    In regards to fitness roadblocks, I let my hectic schedule prevent me from working out on a consistent basis. Normally I get about 2 days in every week, but in order to lose weight and ensure a healthier lifestyle, I know I need to increase my workout regimen. I just need to add the gym to my daily schedule to ensure that I make time for it.

    I am not a "morning" person, so working out in the afternoon/evening works best for me. But I think I may try an early morning workout at the gym to see how I feel.

    Thanks for the motivation and inspiration!!

  2. @ Kim,
    You're very welcome. I this to be a place where we all can motivate, inspire and challenge each other to do our best.....
    If weight loss is a goal of yours, you certainly need to increase the amount of times per wk you're working out to see results but more importantly have a very balanced food plan since it is the core of losing and maintaining a healthy weight. Go ahead and try an early morning workout and let me know how it goes for you. Also, if you cannot get to the gym as often as you like, please find physical activities you can still do around the house since your allergies prevent you from being outdoors as you may like. Let me know how it goes. Acknowledging where you are and where you want to be is a great start...

  3. I think I would've done the same thing! Some days I let my crazy schedule stop me from working out because I'm so tired. But, I don't beat myself up because I make up for it by cutting back on my calories for that day and working out harder the remainder of the week.

    I usually go to the park and run. There are dog owners that walk their dogs without a leash (I don't do dogs) I yell coming through, can you get your dog!?!? That really pisses me off, but I refuse to let that stop me.

    When it gets cold I workout in my basement. I used to have a gym membership and only went during the summer (because it's warm). I tend to hibernate during the winter. I only come out when I have to (work, shop, appointments, and taking my son to school). So now that I have a mini gym in the basement, I have no excuse!!!

  4. @ Anonymous
    Cutting back on the days we do not get an opportunity to workout for whatever reason is vital to us progressing on our fitness journey yet many have yet to realize it. Making up your mind to go harder and not beating ourselves up for missing is another good idea vs. getting so depressed or down that we end up not going anymore. Sounds like you're on the right path here. Keep it up by doing what works per season and come back soon. Thanks for commenting!!!

  5. My only fitness roadblock would be staying motivated. So I just work extra hard at that. I also make myself workout in the mornings because if i wait until the afternoon, it probably won't happen.

  6. Fitness Roadblock? Self! Instead of just doing it, some days, I find the best excuses not to. Like....its too late; or I need to get more sleep; or I feel like working out outdoors today, but I can't, so I am just not going to......Kish

  7. @ Kish!!!
    Thanks for posting!!! I commend you for being so honest with yourself and recognizing your fitness roadblock (s). The next step is finding a way through them as often as possible. Best of luck as you work through them.
