Sunday, April 15, 2012

Your money & potential interest

We all know our interest rates our bank accounts aren't what they use to be; however, we still need to shop around.

We all received our 2011interest statements from our respective bank's to file our taxes recently and many of us simply shook our heads as how low it was, right?

Well, if you're fed up and would like a more reputable place to stash your pennies, consider your local credit union. By far their overall business practices and interest are better than those of the mainstream banks.

With that being said, I pleased so far with 2012's interest. I have earned roughly $60 off of my savings accounts with the CU as of early April.

My goal is to research ways to have my money grow faster without drastic risk.

How much interest have your earned in 2012 thus far?Do you know your interest rate and/or shopped around for better places to put your funds. If so, do share with everyone.

April is Financial Fitness Month at my job so there will be many articles available. And yes, I will make the time to read, apply and invest in my financial future. Do not worry, I'll be sure to share some information with you. I know my AP will love to read it ALL (LOL).

1 comment:

  1. You KNOW IT!!! I'm in this process right now of finding somehwere to stash my pennies. CU is on the top of the list becuase as compared to other banks, they are way ahead right now.
