Friday, December 16, 2011

Appreciation via the Art of Action

I find it imperative for everyone to perfect the "Art of Action". There is no little black book that we can loan from the library electronically and read on our Kindle Fire or purchase from Currently, it is not in publication with any specific author (s). Instead it has to come from within us and can only become an actual Art when we execute via action. 

These actions are found in us being plain 'ole considerate and thoughtful to each other; especially towards those who cannot do anything for us, and the ones who do but really does not have to. 

If someone does something kind for us, we should say THANK YOU. Naturally, if they continue to assist without asking for anything in return, we should go beyond saying thank you and provide a thoughtful gift of appreciation (personal thank you note, gift or gas card,   favorite food etc). In the end, having that special person know they are appreciated is priceless.  

After our Christmas luncheon today, we were paid to enjoy the afternoon and of course relaxing on the sofa came to mind. Instead of speeding to the house, I used a few hours to buy a few deserving people appreciative gifts. It took a few weeks to decide on the perfect gift, but I am glad it is completed.   

Is there anyone in your life deserving of the Art of Action? Is so, will you consider letting them know you appreciate them in your own special way? 

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever held the door for someone and they walk through without thanking you. Man, that makes my blood boil. Ungratefulness is not attractive so I do need to do something special for those helpful people in my life.
