Creativity is personal in every sense; when things you desire are not within reach, I say create it. I was sick and tired of the cold weather before the official day of winter arrived. I longed for some sunshine and warmth being a native of the Caribbean so something had to give. The Charlotte weather dipped below freezing several times this autumn season so I had to get creative quickly. With plenty of vacation days hoarded throughout the year, I just needed to find the right warm location to expel of them. Due to the cost of travels during the holiday season and finding a last minute ticket at a reasonable price, I settled with driving to South Florida for at least a week. The drive down wasn't too bad as my novel on disk kept my company wee into the morning hours.
My youngest sister lives here so I love these kinds of vacations. With my car in tote, I'm able to explore any and everywhere while constantly recreating what I envisioned before beginning my vacation. So far it has gone great, swimming at Ft. Lauderdale beach, spa pedicure, napping on the beach, two hour massage, great food and company at a few restaurants, warm outdoor workouts, water shows and the list goes on....
It's official; creating what I desire and need is up to me.
~~~What have you created for yourself lately?