Saturday, January 5, 2013

From plastic to glassware...finally

I've planned to switch over from plastic containers to glassware for a few months and lucked up on a great sale that saved me $110 tonight. In addition, I bought two ceramic stove top pots that also can be used in the oven as well. I have been in need of some new pots but were concerned greatly with the ingredients so held off on doing so for more than a year. However, tonight, I decided by chance to stop into Corelle's to see what they had on my way to a specific store and left very happy. The store that brought me to the mall didn't have what I was looking for in terms of cost or style so I left in a matter of five minutes. Obviously, I left happier than I came seeing a goal was accomplished this evening. One goal off of my list already. 

I'm vegan and currently do not allow anyone to cook meat in my home; however, while my mom was visiting, she made fish in my pots and stored them in my containers. I was torn about it but didn't say anything since I should have already secured new dishes to prevent this encounter. Nonetheless, she enjoyed her fish and I enjoyed my vegan dishes (she loved my food and ate what I did for half of her stay). Now when she comes back to visit, she will still be encouraged to eat as earth based as possible since it's good for her to have several meatless meals as possible. Moving forward, I will have a box of cooking and storing food items readily available. The sale ends tomorrow so I caught it right on time. Next on my list is to get a toaster oven. I've been looking but haven't narrowed down my choices just yet. Stay tune for an update on that adventure.


  1. LOL! I bet you were torn by the fish being in your containers. At least she enjoyed it. I love the Pyrex glassware.We have the same sets.

  2. So much so that they became her containers, LOL. I love them too. Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment, Eboni.
