Saturday, August 4, 2012

Longest run in honor of the Olympics-

With a lot on my mind and wanting to step outside of my comfort zone in honor of the Olympics, I ran my furthest today. It was roughly 13 miles and it was a mental challenge 100 %. After having lots of water with electrolytes powder, half a banana and a protein shake post running, I got in a parking lot yoga session and lots of stretching at home. Once I took a quick nap, my meal of choice was my pasta dish above (veggie pasta, scrambled tofu and stewed lentils). About an hour later, I had Kashi's Lean berry scramble cereal with Almond milk. I had about three hours of sleep last evening so being fatigue was an understatement. The evening was met with my massage foam roll set seen above after a late afternoon nap. Let's just say my body isn't too pleased about all those miles (shock mode).

Well, to celebrate a great day, my running s(hero) and I are hitting the streets O_o. She's in town from Charleston and it was wonderful to run with her (it's like chasing a tiger during the last few miles of a run). 

Have you stepped out of your fitness box lately?