Saturday, August 4, 2012

Historical July 2012.....

I had a historical July 2012 to say the least....

It was very busy, expensive, rewarding and emotional at the same time. Most of the busyness surrounded 12-14 hour days as I got ready for my Triathlon on July 15 th. It was expensive since I purchased my Ironman watch and frequented the grocery store too often early in the month due to not grocery shopping until the 20 th. Rewarding due to the successful completion of my Tri and stepping outward into long distance running. And emotional due to the humbly experiences encountered due to hard work, spending time with one of my favorite person's in her last weeks of pregnancy and having to deal with a sister needing emergency surgery (expensive due to impromptu plane ticket and not being there during her first days in the hospital).

And, I'm proud to report that with all of that going on, a third payment was made towards my SLs. Woot, woot!! Four payments were made in June due to three pay checks so I'm super excited since no payments were made last year yet twelve has already been made in 2012.

Live life well~


  1. And that's what handling your money well allows you, to be there with your loved ones in their time of need in emergency situations. I hope she's ok now. Great job on your busy July. And FOUR SL PAYMENTS?!!! Wow. Talk about progress. From 0 payments last year to 12 in the first half of the year. Which will mean LESS INTEREST paid in the end. Cha ching!

  2. Exactly Ms. S. I made four in June and three in July (awesomeness indeed). Thanks so much!!! I do need to update my SL pay down bar (lol).

    1. Update it! Are you kidding me? My payments don't even clear before I update mine. LOL. The minute I schedule it, I calculate the change in percentage and update my bar. OBSESSIVE!!! Come on, let's see that progress!

  3. I'll update once I make September's payments. Actually, one came out today. I'll do better (hehe).
