At the beginning of 2012, I decided to forgo putting money aggressively into my efund and begin to finally get back to paying my student loans with a minimum amount as a base monthly. After not putting anything towards it by way of deferment for years, I decided it was way over due. Why? Well it's debt that I took out, the government wasn't interested in assistance persons' with SL debt and these loans can catch up with my in my senior years. Now, all that became crystal clear after viewing a series on prime time world news in 2011.
Naturally it all was placed on paper during my AP and I's initial goal session so there was no turning back. I was discouraged at first that my hard earned money was not significant enough to move the percentage bar much at all; so I told myself it will not be moved until ti reaches at least five percent. During the year I refused to check or update it though my AP begged me to do so. Well, with the success I was having with making 2-3 payments monthly, I knew it had moved but still refused to check. In December, I forfeited traveling to make not the minimum of two monthly payment but as many as possible. I stretched myself wide like the mountains above and made five payments. My payment percent in December after the second payment was 5.5 and after making three more payments along with January's initial payment, it has moved another one percent. I am so excited right now. I believe this year it will finally begin to move a bit more than it did in 2012. Now, I obviously have a very long journey to go but at this moment; however, I'm celebrating my SL progress to the fullest. On that note, I'll do my best to make at least 18 payments this year.
The next excursion is to see how much of a benefit it was tax wise to have made said payment. A post will be written about that when I file my taxes.
There's hope--y'all, LOL!