July 7th, 2012
Fitness Test
During the days leading up to Saturday, July 7th, I toiled with the idea of completing my long run (LR) training and also partaking in my final Tri It For Life programs bike ride before the Triathlon on July 15th. In addition to those two trainings, I had my monthly two hour self defense seminar to attend (4am; 7am & 12 pm). Well, I decided the only way to really find out how fit and mentally strong I am was to "test myself". I didn't get enough sleep so I was tired for our 4 am 10 miler but ironically, I managed to shave five minutes off of my 10 miler completed two weeks prior. My goal was to simply finish and the last mile on this hilly route is a steady incline. In the end, I was glad to walk around the parking lot, wait for the other ladies and wring sweat out of my shirt. My confidence is building but LRs are ugly especially when you opt to run the entire distance.
Part two included more hills but I was thankful to be sitting down instead of running. Before getting there, I stopped home to get my bike and had to change "everything", including my shoes which were wet. I was unsure how many miles we were going to do but I secretly thought ten miles would be great. The group finished AT 9.8 miles so I kept riding until I reached 10 miles. Although the bike ride was shorter than the run, in the moment I wondered which one was worst. I caught a Charlie horse in my left calf and decided to kick it off since setbacks weren't allowed (smile..I was in a zone). I missed the past two bike sessions and finally met the massive hill on
Charlotte's Triathlon route which was the devil himself. All I could say was "faddah help me as I pedaled that hill and noted this was the worst day for this hill". Thankfully I survived both trainings and affirmed to myself I'm clueless as to how strong I really am.
Part three was my self defense course which I really didn't feel like attending after becoming "one" with my favorite sofa but knew the techniques being thought were vital so I attended.
Treat time: I'm starting to believe Chipotle vegetarian burrito is my LR recovery treat. I had one after my Mock Tri on 6/16/2012 and it's a keeper. Now folks that know me would tell you I rarely eat out more than ten times annually (vacation meals excluded) but LRs are new to my fitness regiment so this has become an exception to the rule. I loved looking forward to my treat and eating every bite as I smiled from ear to ear. In the end, I told myself job well done girly. You ROCKED IT OUT ;).